TRIP will sponsor 6 students during 2022 - 2023 school year through "TWONGERE UBUMENYI PROJECT"

Figure: Students, Parents, TRIP Board Members and Sector Executive Secretariat Officers after selection of beneficiaries.

The main objective of TRIP NGO is to develop rural areas. This won't happen without quality and inclusive education in rural areas. TRIP founded a project called "TWONGERE UBUMENYI PROJECT", which aims to educate children and youth for rural sustainable development.

The idea of this project rose after identifying that in rural areas a significant number of children from poor and vulnerable families despite their good school performance, they couldn’t afford to study in excellent schools. Responding to this challenge, TRIP mobilized goodwill individuals who provided funds to support talented children from poor families.

On 30th September 2022, TRIP selected 6 students who fulfilled the requirements including 3 from Primary cycle joining the 1st year of secondary (1 female and 2 males) and 3 from Ordinary Level secondary cycle (1 female and 2 males). This activity took place at the office of Rwaza Sector, Musanze District and was held by competent TRIP staff members and Rwaza Sector Executive Secretariat Officers.

Figure: TRIP board members and Rwaza Sector Executive Secretariat Officers during selection.

At the end of the selection activity, selected beneficiaries (both students and their parents) have been notified, called upon for briefing and signed a commitment document highlighting their engagement about their own contribution and agreeing with the support and the conditions of progressive reduction of the support and the increment of the contribution.

Figure: Children and TRIP board members in retreat at FATIMA Hotel in Musanze District.

After the selection of students. TRIP organized an induction retreat for selected students to sensitize them on the key factors of success and the required behavior toward the excellence in boarding school. After a retreat, students have signed their performance contracts with TRIP.