Terimbere Rural Integrated Partnership

about us


Organization is made of four Organs:

1. The General Assembly,
2. The Executive Committee,
3. Audit Committee,
4. Conflict Resolution Committee.

1. General Assembly (GA):
General Assembly is the supreme organ of the organization. It is composed of all full members of the organization and adherent members. The honorary members can attend the meeting of the organization and express opinions, but they have no right to vote or to be voted.

Ordinary General Assembly:
The General Assembly debates on:
1. The election and removal of the members of the organization that are the executive committee, the supervisory committee and the arbitration commmittee;
2. The policies and guidelines of the Organization;
3. The balance sheet and income statement;
4. The annual plan and the budget for the next year
5. The exclusion due to the unworthiness of the members;
6. The disposal of the property of the organization.
The General assembly meets in regular session once a year, before June 30, convened by its President.

2. Executive committee:
The Excutive committee of the organization is composed of:
1. The president: Legal representative of the organizaton.
2. The Vice-President: Deputy legal representative of the organization.
3. The Executive Secretary.
4. The Treasurer.
5. Coordinator of the Activities of TRIP.
6. Two Advisors.

No salary is payable to the Executive committee for the council's activity itself. The members of the executive committee are grouped into two commissions, namely the Technical Committee and the Administrative and Financial commission. The Executive Committee is appointed for a term of 3 years renewable only once. If a member is discountinued or resigns, his successor completes the term of office of his predecessor.

3. Audit committee:

Audit Committe is the supervisory committee and is composed by three members elected from members by General Assembly, with expertise in finnancial audit. The committee is elected for a mandate of three years (3) renewable one time.

Its mandate is to verify regulary, at least on a qaurterly basis, the financial management and other patrimony of the organization and produce reports. The supervisory Commmittee has full access, without moving, to all finacial documents and books accounting records of the Organisaiton.

The findings and recommendations of the Audit Committee are transmitted to the executive committee. Each year, The auditing Committee stands for the ordinary General Assembly a report on the financial management, the balancesheet and the income statement of the organization and give their opinion.

4. Conflict Resolution Committee

The Arbitration Committee is an organ in charge of conflict resolution is composed of at least three (3) members of the organization, elected by the General Assembly. The mandate of the committee is to settle amicably conflicts among members of the Organisation. The Committee itself elects the President and the secretary, and defines the modalities of its functioning for renewable term of 5 years.

In any case, The parties involved in a conflict within the organisation are required to apply first to the Organ in charge of the Confict Resolution before submitting the case to the competent court.
Any conflict within the Organization shall be settled amicably between the concerneed parties. In case the concerned parties fail to settle conflict amicably, they shall refer to the committee in charge of conflict resolution.
In case teh Organ fails to resolve the comflict amicably, the concerned parties may file the case to the competent court.
The proceedings of the organ in charge of conflict resolution are documented and reported to the General Assembly.