People to start planting vegetables and trees in home gardens to prevent malnutrition while preventing soil erosion
On 31stTDecember 2022 - The people have taken another step in the prevention of malnutrition diseases by planting different types of important vegetables including chayote in their home gardens.
Through the partnership of people especially Urungano members and the Rwaza sector in Musanze district, they were able to provide seedlings of chayote vegetables
The Rwaza sectorial office gave people plants including the avocado trees and Gleveria as a way of encouraging people to have home gardens in the prevention of hunger and malnutrition while also preventing soil erosion in the area. The development of rural communities and eradication of poverty can be achieved if people were to work together and involvement of different parties including the government and organizations.
Along with the initiative of fighting against poverty in rural areas, In the last two years, The TRIP Organization has implemented different projects for its beneficiaries as part of its core objective of eradicating poverty by developing rural communities. These projects have contributed to the development of rural communities also encouraged partnership among people.