TRIP members, boards and honorary members hold a General Assembly Meeting on 31st July 2022.

On 31st July 2022, TRIP members held a General Assembly Meeting which took place in Muhoza Sector, Musanze District in Northern Province and some members participated in this General Assembly meeting online . The main objective of the General Assembly was to overview organization's life and make important decisions about organization following its provisional operating certificate obtained in February 2022.

TRIP reviewed organization projects, including:

  • "TWUNGUBUMWE PROJECT" which aims to develop community togetherness and team spirit among TRIP stakeholders.
  • "TWOROZANYE INKA PROJECT" was also at the frontline during the meeting, as it aims to distribute cows to poor families in rural areas by lending.
  • "TWITEZE IMBERE MU BWOROZI BW’INGURUBE PROJECT” for donating piglets to rural people through stakeholders, and more projects. Those projects were presented by TRIP Vice President Berchmans KANYAMIHIGO.

TRIP Coordinator uwayezu Catherine (Left) and TRIP Legal Representative Uwimbabazi Marie Jeanne (Right) chairing the General Assembly meeting.

TRIP also reviewed holidays training project for adolescents about reproductive health which is one component of Education Project. It is ongoing training which is taking place at the headquarter of the organization in Busana Village, Kabushinge Cell, Rwaza Sector, Musanze District. The youth are being trained by TRIP Education Officer Germaine TWAHIRWA.

TRIP Coordinator, Uwayezu Catherine explained that the organization has embarked in concluding Memoranda of Understanding with various other NGOs including Fonds des Mouvements Populaires (FMP) and Visionary Women for Development (VWD) for the purpose of working in synergy with organization partners operating in similar domains.

Members in group discussions.

TRIP members held discussions about different topics including: achievements of organization, some setbacks and how they can be resolved, new projects that can be implemented by the Organization, some new working methodologies and approaches, all those themes for a sustainable goals’ achievement. Various groups presented in plenary the outcomes of their discussions. At the end of plenary discussions, complements, questions and inputs were provided with the purpose of formulating recommendations aiming at TRIP self-resilience and sustainable development.

As usual, across the whole meeting TRIP used its golden approach which is based on a holistic, inclusive, participation through a home home-grown solution on real data and assessment of the ground were used for a transformative vision. This approach puts at the central zone rural community members in integrated way and uses partnership for effective and sustainable development

Jean Remy ICYUZUZO receiving Service tesmony as previous Communication Officer (January 2020 - March 2022).

Patience IGIRANEZA receiving a " Service testmony as a current Communication Officer.

After the meeting, Jean Remy ICYUZUZO and Patience IGIRANEZA received "attestation de service" for their work to the organization. The General Assembly was officially closed by the Legal Representative, Madam Uwimbabazi Marie Jeanne at nearly 4:00pm.

TRIP members after the General Assembly.